Enanitos Verdes guitarras blancas

Green Dwarves
White Guitars
A white guitar
breaking the silence
it is the most honest thing
that I can now hear.
Please let them dance.
Please let us dance.
Today was one of those days
and my back hurts.
And even though I'm tired
I need some fun.
Please let them dance.
Please let us dance.
Don't talk about New York now
being in Rome or Disneyworld ,
I just want them to let us dance here.
It's not escapism,
I'm not letting my guard down.
I just need just
a little bit, a little fun.
Please let them dance.
Please let us dance.
Don't talk about New York now,
being in Rome or Disneyworld,< br/>I just want them to let us dance here.