Ende the witch s fire

Burning symbols
And dreaming of winter
The swallows water
And breathes fire inside the veins of the world
Crawling in the dark
Rotting inside
Origins of light
From the roots of evil
The return of Pan
The storm rises over the bloody martyrs
Winds tear off their bodies and their faith
He takes back his world and purifies the air
And dries the blood of those who have forgotten him
Now, fire burns again in the woods
Et que le feu ruine ce monde
Usurpant nos ténèbres
Qu'ils redeviennent le socle
Brûlant des danses funèbres
Pénétrant la funeste
Laisson les chairs et les restes
En offrandes aux êtres sinistres
Edifiant les murs éternels
D'un nouveau devenir obscène
Exhumons leurs morts
Et calcinons les corps
Jetons les dépouilles
De leurs enfants aux porcs
Le brasier vicieux des sorcières
Consumera à jamais leurs sort
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire
The witch's fire