Endovein ignorance grows strong

Today (WHAT'S UP?) I'm gonna find (WHAT?)
A brand new idea for a TV show
Like (LIKE WHAT?) no other before (AMAZING)
It's ind a hard work in these days
But I got my memory and I'm hungry for more
I'm not so worried and that's because
I really count on all brainwashed minds
My reality show will be better than all the others
I will soon be the idol of the young and the old
Because you know there are no bounds to stupidity
Thousands of people can't wait to be on TV
Ready to any compromise
To be in the spotlight, stupid men, horny women,
That's what they wanna see
That's how I'll realize their dreams tonight!
I'm going to challenge myself
With something that is better
And so the story goes
Keep going on an on