Eno Barony fear no man

Eno Barony
They told me I'm a woman so ah no go blow,
They told me I'm too weak for the road,
Ɛbinom kakyirɛ me sɛ Obaa wo yɛ rap yɛ slow,
Nso yɛ hyea ebi me dey kill de show,
Sɛsɛa me ho nti montumi ti na si,
Yeah although, start the detch for ma blow
Ma yɛ kokromoti ah yɛn san me ho mbɔ pɔ ooo
Buh the funny thing is, I started by learning from your flow
Ɛnkani na mo hu mi akwala kitikiti, now I grow
So now I don't see my fellow girls and feel like I'm pride,
Cuz I spell it black and I see say ebe trap,
I see all this chicks throwing shots from afar,
Na minsa sɔ wo mua next time wo hu panyin-a wo bɛ gye ni bag,
Wo si rap yɛ dini ma mo, moa ka pono nɛkyi,
Afei moa switchi kɔ singing nsoa moa yira mo key,
Boys ye claimi MC's but try them and see,
Nobody know you for Kumasi nso wo si wo yɛ Gee,
Adeɛ yi yɛ nominati best rapper ah, ɛmɛrma nkoa,
Me ne mu bi nonti mo dee mmaa ɛtua
Bebiaa mprɛko nie na aponkye yorbi sɛ wa dɔri seradiɛ,
Mon kɔso ɛnyorbi oo na bebia wo ni mmrɛ,
Na daa yɛ bɛ bie mu (agbelemi) No separate,
Na me ni boys ye one-on-one like a debate,
I will be a virgin cuz no boy fit penetrate,
Me dɔ Nyame Edem sef no fit gɛrɛmɛ straight.
Hello! Hi, that be ma target,
You can't bury me, I'm already out of my Casket,
The difference between me and the highest be say... I wear skirt,
So he thinks I'm a boy in a girl's dress,
So, on your max, lets get... hahaa!!
No the what! wa yɛ slow,
Wa checki, hyie ɛhunu sɛ me yɛ dope dea,
Tu mereka ka kyerɛ wo Flow King no sɛ me bɛ to na twene sɛ stone,
I don't wanna be a God-MC who can't
punish a King for his sins for Kanta,
I wanna be someone you can never be, I'm the King of Queens,
Wo ni me pre hoa wo yɛ matter!
I'm as deep as you can't go,
And on the track I'm harder than my In-go,
Nti wo best rapper bɛ dani me boyfriend, I no go use my jaw,
Cuz my lyrics is a better blow... Yes!
Cuz in this rap game,
me yɛ Ashawo nii koraa nka mɛ creatie me own style, min hwɛ Pono!
Body no tae mu, heavy like my punch is,
Na which strongman wey no get muscle to show,
Mɛ ma wehu sɛ Poof Poof no be swag oo,
Kayayoo ma tam no, No matter how heavy your sack oo,
And when I got this beat to spit some bars
and put it on the waves, nor na boys ayɛ wild oo,
But you can't kill me, I was born dead,
Montumi fa me tetɛ oo, me sini borndɛ,
I own bars ɛnti na yɛ frɛ me Barony,
Nti wo te sɛ beat asetti na me wo so dea Don't Dare!
Same soup,
I'm just very heated and I'm now skwatting on different toilet,
But same Strip... I run Strip,
But ah no get diarrhoea,
ma-ma boys aso ayɛ hye sɛ driver ne safoa ayira,
Dwamanfoɔ ɛyie ase yɛ di atopa na ɛkɔ,
Ma te asi mo lane mu, woa wo wɔ sino ma wano ɛnkɔ,
Abrɛ ne debiaa boy wei wo beef, boy wei wo beef,
Min ma wo beef, I will serve U with akokɔba nɛ ni abɔ,
Ɛfre tete na me kaa sɛ me yɛ the best wɔ agrɔ ye mu,
Mo na moa yɛ ahyɛ han na mɛ nyin abɛ di mo first,
Agrɔ wo moɛni so dodo nti moɛntumi,
Ma yɛ sɛ kyɛ ma montumi,
Ma kyi no sɛ koliko na ma bobɔmu,
Nti wo tumi di wonsa tum di be,
Wei yɛ samai ɛduani,
Yɛde ama na sa, Yoo Gaanigaani,
Hwɛ me mensuro obiaa, I fear no man,
Ma gye asi me serɛso oo, ɛfesɛɛ(I don't fear whoo!!)
Obaa Yaa Asantewaa,
me ka si wenim minka ɛnsi wɛkyi(I don't fear whoo!!)
Wanti, wo si Huh!
Tutu mreka kakyerɛ no sɛ(I don't fear whoo!!)
Moa kyɛ koraa, moa kyɛ koraa... Lemme, M...(I don't fear whoo!!)
Realɛlɛle, Cabum nigga wild,
Poof Poof, Swag Swag(I don't fear whoo!!)
We bad, eno be you bad,
Gɛrɛmɛ, Flow King(I don't fear whoo!!)
Po-po-po Pope Skinny, the Mic Burners,
Tie, Woramu, Biemu(Me, I don't fear whoo!!)
Kye-kye-le-be-fe-ee, Obibini Teephlow(I don't fear whoo!!)
Omar Sterling, Pappy Kojo,
Joey B(I don't fear whoo!!)
Wonti asi-aa dɛɛdi,
It's 2MG Music