Eritherium pyre

Body lifeless and cold,
slung over my shoulder.
To send her off
will bring me a sense of closure.
I walk through the snow
toward the site of the pyre.
A crowd has gathered here
to say a final goodbye.
Emotions take over
as her funeral begins.
To lay her down here
takes all of me.
I cross her arms
and close her eyes.
She attained all she wanted.
In such peaceful rest, she lies.
I walk to the crowd
and join the mass embrace.
The flow of tears erodes the snow,
softening beneath our feet.
I look to the sky
and there she is.
Wearing a penitent smile,
a look of regret in her eyes.
Apparition dissipates.
A grieving mind led astray.
A tear runs down my sunken face
as the roar of fire brings me back.
As fallen ashes melt the snow,
I turn away.
These falling tears disappear
into the void left in me.
Retreating to solitude,
in need of seclusion,
I look to the pyre
and whisper goodbye.
I pass through empty streets,
a hooded figure in darkness,
approaching my sanctuary...
A place of healing.
A breeze kills the light
that dwells within.
More pours in from outside.
I drown the final rays
as I shut myself in.
Darkness to heal.
Through my window,
a fire burns bright.
A beacon on this cold Winter night.
Embers glow,
spawned from this flaming pyre,
illuminating sorrow.
Tears flow,
as ashes fall,
to remind us of this loss.