Erkin Koray hay yam yam

As the sun rises
Do you know why the roosters shout bitterly in the morning
The dawn shows its place and they say to you
The past is gone, where are you?
Aw yam yam yam yam , hay yam yam
Hay yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam hay yam yam
Tonight is also your last night
Let them bring you rose colored wine on order
Once you go off guard, there is no coming back
br/>You are not gold so that they can bury you and take you out
Ay yam yam, hay yam yam
Aw yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam
If your heart is not filled with love
/>You can't get anywhere in lodges or monasteries
Have you given your heart and loved sincerely in this world
You are far above all heaven and hell
Oh yam yam, oh yam yam
br/>Hay yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam hay yam yam
Erase the worry of existence and non-existence from your mind
Let go and know yourself in the future
Stretch back and take a nice deep breath
/>You never know how many breaths you will have to take
Aw yam yam yam yam yam yam
Oh yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam yam