Escarion the pinnacle of neglect

Internal suffering, lingering despair,
Lured deeper, into the dark laid
Laughing and cackling, lead into the trap
Just one step closer, you can't look back
Crippled by pain, weakened through suffering
Chocking on a strangled silence
The mind deteriorates
Memories slipping away
Hope is a distant dream
The pinnacle of Neglect
Lies that resurrect
As it was written, it shall be done
The scripture foretold, the destruction of one
As it was written, it has been done
The end of two that was one
From the inside out, the sickness spreads
Devouring life, dispersing dread
This endless plague, searing through the veins,
Steals away the future, brings forth the pain
Crippled by pain, weakened through suffering
Chocking on a strangled silence
The mind deteriorates
Memories slipping away
Hope is a distant dream
The pinnacle of Neglect
Lies that resurrect
The parchment is empty
Free of bias lies and pain
Deceit spills forth
Like disease ridden veins
Venom from thy rage
It tears and mutilates
Leaving trails of blood
Strangles and blinds
Deaf to tortured cries
Begging for thou to see
What thou hast done to me
As it was written, it shall be done
The scripture foretold the destruction of one
As it was written, it has been done
The end of two that was one.