Estampie da que deus mamou

This is how Santa Maria was in her church of Santa
Maria de Lugo is the mother of the feet and hands.
From which God sucked the milk from his chest,
it is not a wonder to be contracted.
From this, Santa María made a wonderful miracle
in her church in Lugo, large and pïadoso,
because of the wetness that she had suffered
most of her body and shriveled badly.
From which God sucked the milk from her breast,
isn't it wonderful to be contracted.
May both of your hands shrink like this,
may they all be tucked in at the end of the shoulders,
and the heels well in his right
they all got into the battered body.
From which God sucked the milk from his breast,
it is not a wonder that he was contracted.
For he saw that she did not lend him anything,
he returned to Santa María, the noble ReÃnna,
begging her not to ask him out of spite
if she did, but to her benefit.
From whom God sucked the milk from her breast,
it is not a wonder that she is pregnant.
He stopped thinking that he would heal her ,
if not, what did you do so that he died early;
and then he was carried on a bed
before his church, small and narrow.
From whom God sucked the milk from her breast,
it is not a wonder to be pregnant.
And she, lying there, made a very good life
trões que ll' ouve mercee the Sennor comprida
in the month of August, on the day 'scolleito,
in his great feast, as I mourn you.
From which God sucked the milk from his breast ,
it is not a wonder to be contracted.
It will be for me now. That on that day
he had himself put into the church of Santa María;
but he did not harm the Holy Virgin,
but he made her body all limp.
From what DÃ Jesus sucked the milk from his breast,
it is not a wonder that he was conceived.
But he gave it to him as he was there,
each member for if very de rij' erupted,
he eats very dry wood from the roof,
when the hated nerve was extended.
From which God sucked the milk from his breast,
br/>isn't it wonderful to be pregnant.
The bishop and all the people were standing,
seeing this and where he was crying,
they saw what a miracle it was and I did not transgeito;
therefore they praised the Virgin.