Exilion firedance

Above the enchanting crystal tops
there's a crackling from the clouds
Not the crackling sound of thunder
Rather crackling beams of light
under the tundra
fossilized since ancient times
What hides beneath is coming out
as the white quilt slowly begone
Remains of war
pain and suffering from men who are no more
As the snow slowly melts
it brings forth the colour red
And remains of a village, burned to the ground
where life's truly been shed.
The story of that village
is a legend to be told.
At the end of every winter
the red stained snow comes forth
A curse, a mere coincedence
Is what we'll never know
tales of what happened
to that place will be remebered for forevermore
There's songs, there's tales
that the crusaders still live on
Plundering town to town
But this is just a story
a legend if you will.
It's said that they never stop riding
with an endless bloodthirst to kill