Eyes Have Seen The Glory shit show

Shut your fucking mouth. You speak like a child. Every single word is meaningless. You're wasting your breath and my time. My life, my rules. I'm the king of this fucking world. Your life is in my hands, and they're closing right on top of you. The sound of your body breaking is like music to my ears. You can fight all you want, you're not getting out alive. I'll just squeeze tighter and tighter until there's nothing left. There's nothing you can say or do that will make me come back to you. You're dead inside, a hollow shell of a person that i once knew. This is a dream come true. I never thought i would see you fall. And after all the pain that you put me through, you finally know what it's like. You looked through my eyes, the eyes of the beholder. You finally see the truth. You're worthless to me and hopeless to yourself. There's nothing you can say or do that will make me come back to you. You're dead inside, a hollow shell of a person that i once knew. Fuck. You belong with your own kind. Six feet under the fucking ground.