Fara Zahar hip hop s asa

Green leaf and a blackberry
I'll be a ninjoleu
My mother beat me last night
I cut a pig with a blade
I cut a pig...
Ohoho, another trumpet...
Ohoho, another trumpet...
Tonight my mother-in-law
Stolen a cow from my sister
I, damn it, I'm eating the ground
My mother takes his mother-in-law's throat
My mother takes his mother-in-law...
Ohoho, and the trumpet...
Ohoho, and a trumpet...
Yesterday I went to the disco
I drank beetroot brandy
I drank and I got hungry
I forgot my nunceagu-n Ana
Ohoho, a trumpet too...
Ohoho, a trumpet too...
I have a neighbor across the road
And he is a son of shaolin
He taught him tac-su karate
Now he wants to share it
Now he wants to share it
Ohoho, a trumpet too...
Ohoho, a trumpet too...
My father it annoys me
He sits and drinks and doesn't work
Now he howls and folds
Because I punched him...
Ohoho, and the trumpet...< br/>Ohoho, and a trumpet...

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