Faun tempus transit

Time passes coldly
The world is renewed
The spring returns to flower
Form is given to things
The bird is modulated
The modulating flies
The air is now brighter and gentler
Serene< br/>The forest is now in flower, now in leaf
The forest is thick with hair
They play on the grass
The virgins adorn
Whose new songs
Sweetly sound with the mouth
They nod in favor
Flyers with song
Flying and smelling
The earth painted with flowers
The heart therefore is girded and
Touched by love
With the sound of maidens and birds chirping
Tends only to cool
The smitten boy
Who is the court of the gods
He is famous
Whose dominion
He is too broad
Through him I have triumphed
I have been sanctioned
I have fought and I had first been taken away
And once again I was prostrated to Friday as a child