First Degree Murga dance while you still can

I was terminally 'illing buzzing while dealing scoring stealing
Walking the streets at night or in my room just stuck to the ceiling
So young with all I've seen and know I could never escape the feeling
Wake and bake everyday since I was just 15
Out in Bramley, we call this - living the dream
Conned myself the drugs were helping but now I'm living clean 'cos
The New World Order Still Creeping and the apocalypse we're nearing
It was hard to convince you then but now we all can see it
Floride poison in our water and the food that we eating
And the surveliance was total just like Edward Snowden proved it
So we know this is the deal when we talk in the streets and
Can't dismiss it or flip it we see this shit is for real man
So dance while you still can
As the sun moves round the galaxies centre black hole axis
The earth's solar month changes from Pieces to Aquarius
Falling empires and changes now this time is upon us
Against our rulers we rise and claim the truth that's taken from us
Golden age dawning but expect the future to be dangerous 'cos
They know this and they quickly advance their sinister purpose
To create a global dictatorship in the aftermath of a
Third world war they wage like they control the chaos factor
They've been planning it for millennia - they'll do it for sure
Six o'clock curfew and they'll chip us wont be dancing no more
But the mix of narcotics and lyrics is gonna make your brain sore
But you'll have forgotten about it by tomorrow
So get to the dance floor
And dance while you still can
No one knows how deep the rabbit hole goes so
Dance while you still can
New Orleans and the cat five storm they knew would break the levies seams
They had a rescue planned years before but the Pentagon had other schemes
Military operations and martial law for inside U.S. borders
8th of August ‘05 this was leaked in the Washington Post
That's why they held the rescue back for days- to create chaos on the coast
So they could send in the troops - And retake the place by force
Preparing us for military rule they'll need to practice of course
When they impose the new world order well be rioting for sure