Forever Lesbians cecile marcus mamourian

Oh Cecile please Tell Me, Have we Met in another anomaly?
Do you remember me at as I used to be, a superficial, green-eyed prodigy?
Wearing sandals in Sebastapol under lofty attempt for life control.
Crushing xanax into my teeth.
My fleeting thoughts don't seem to agree.
Arrived on lundi with the sun sleeping, I departed on Mardi and the time it is creeping.
You used to call me Dorian Gray, but I never had the space to hide my paintings anyway.
I see you writing, donnez-moi votre cahier.
Est-ce que je peux voir vos pensé ce moi?
I never planned this out, the thought process it seemed sufficient, but now I'm looking at your eyes and they appear to resemble a crescent.
Please write me soon before I back up and move again.
I hate this place, but I don't want this talk to end.
I see you writing, donnez-moi votre cahier.
Est-ce que je peux voir vos pensé ce moi?
Oh Crimea, I find it confusing down in the Black Sea, rippled and loosing.
Oh Crimea, you shouldn't amuse me.
Mother Russia will cease to abuse thee.
Only place I'll ever be at home (home), Only place I'll ever feel alone (alone).
Forget my words, I didn't mean them, my mindset changed you can't forsee it.
You're another girl without a future, but Crimea I'll never loose her.
Forget my words, I didn't mean them, my mindset changed you can't forsee it.
You're another girl without a future, but Crimea I'll never loose her.