Fossati Ivano la barca di legno di rosa

Fossati Ivano
The Rose Wooden Boat
I. Fossati
An olive wood boat passes by
with a fisherman and a still alive fish on it< br/>and time chases them, time surrounds them
time rocks them and makes them the wave,
the wave of the sea, this sea of u200bu200bpeople,
the wave of the sea, of people this sea.
A boat of light voices passes by
full of songs and without water to drink.
They are the women of the neighboring villages
they are the women with their children.
They are the poor workers, poorly paid
they are the poor workers, abandoned
in the arms of the sea, of people this sea
in the arms of the sea, of people this sea.
A pine boat passes by
with a gendarme on it, with a murderer on it
and their thoughts are tied together
their thoughts thrown in chains
at the bottom to the sea, chains at the bottom of the sea,
at the bottom of the sea, this sea of u200bu200bpeople.
A boat passes by cut in half
with half a captain and half an engine that doesn't work
and half sailor, half smiling face
who lost his soul and felt nothing
in the middle of the sea, the soul in the middle of the sea,
in the middle of the sea, of people this sea.
A rosewood boat passes by
which arrives in the morning and already brings the bride
and the bride is almost as beautiful as in a fairy tale
children out of bed , children all at the table
that time ticks, time doesn't wait for us,
time ticks, doesn't respect us
and runs desperate, desperate like a dog,
but today there is food even for those who are hungry.
in this sea, with people, this sea
in this sea, with people, this sea.
Ah, if I could tell you
everything I see and hear
from the horizon of this sky
that beats down into the sea
in this blind moonlit night
if you listen.