Fox feat. Organek mind goes blank

Right! I'm walking out of my house
My castle made of concrete and the hopes
For a good life and a peaceful death
I'm wearing a hat and a pair of big brown boots
To proctect me from the extremes like
Highs and lows and what may come annoying
I'm walking out straight into the traffic
Green light ‘Go!, red line ‘Don't cross the line
And you're gonna be fine' otherwise…haha…
Having no idea of directions
I think I need a piece of advice
‘Excuse me Mr Officer! How do I get started
With the changes I need to make
Directions I have to take
And the rules I wanna break?'
And it goes like this:
‘Let me see your face in the first place
Haste makes waste but keep the good pace
And you better brace yourself for a long and bumpy road to the right'
‘To the right?' Well according to what he said
There's no use going to the left
Unless you want to reach the city limits!
Will I make things right if I turn left?
Will I make things right if I turn left?
Will I make things right if I turn left?
Will I make things right if I turn left?
It wasn't until a few minutes later
And a couple of miles further
Than I ran across an old barking dog
Right on the verge of the forest
‘Excuse me Mr Dog! Is this your part of the species born in the woods?
Can you please show me the way out of the forest if I decide to penetrate it?'
(woof woof)
‘I'm a dog and I tell no lies. Go the way you go and you'll get your prize'
(woof woof)
‘I'm a dog and I tell no lies. Go the way you go and you'll get your prize'
The dog kept repeating the words but at some point I saw he come after me
I had to run! Run in the woods! Run in the woods!
‘I'm a dog and I tell no lies. Go the way you go and you'll get your prize'
(woof woof)
I had to run! Run in the woods!
The forest inside seemed much brighter and much more peaceful
Than I thought it might be
It was so vast and intricate in its nature
Trees towering above my head
And questions inside my head were all like – massive and heavy
Here at the centre of things
I managed to get a full understanding of my trip
Now I know
Don't let no one lead you astray
Follow your own path
And let no one lead you astray
Do exactly as the dog would say
Cause he said no lies
Go the way you go and you'll get the prize
Go the way you go and you'll get the prize
Now I know
Don't let no one lead you astray
Follow your own path
And let no one lead you astray
Do exactly as the dog would say
Cause he said no lies
Go the way you go and you'll get the prize
Go the way you go and you'll get the prize