Franco Battiato auto da f

Franco Battiato
Auto Da Fé
It's getting late in our lives
and the desire between the two of us is a thing of the past.
You really aren't there 'come in, nothing is just my fault.
I realized late that everything I cared about,
was indifferent to you, was slipping away.
We are far away, distant, I talk to you and you don't hear me .
Darkness has descended into our consciences
and has made our relationship apocryphal.
I would like to engage in the mode of indifference
and move away from you;
for present myself before the tribunal of a new inquisition.
I'll get a car and of my love affairs,
a car and fé.
I want to practice sex without feelings.
And I liked to walk only along shady mountain paths,
in the month in which the leaves change color,
before falling asleep at 'shadow of destiny.