Franco De Vita te amo

Oh! If they had seen us
We were sitting there face to face
We couldn't miss the moon
And we talked about everything a little
And everything made us laugh
Like two fools
br/>And I couldn't wait
To have you in my arms
And to be able to tell you
I love you
From the first moment I saw you
And it's been I was looking for you for a long time
And I already imagined you like this
I love you
Although it is not so easy to say
And I define what I feel with these words
I love you
And suddenly silence fell upon us
And we stared at each other
Your hands in mine
Maybe we will see each other again
Tomorrow I don't know if I will be able to Are you hesitating
I'll die if I don't see you again
And have you in my arms
And be able to tell you
I love you
From the first moment I saw you
And I have been looking for you for a long time
And I already imagined you like this
I love you
Although it is not so easy to say
And I define what I feel with these words
You I love
I love you