Fredriksson Marie krlekens skuld

Fredriksson Marie
Efter Stormen
Kärlekens Skuld
(English: Love's Blame)
Written by Marie Fredriksson & Lasse Lindbom
Published by Inhouse Music
du came as a stranger / to those rooms where we lived / you slept on my arm
/ but your heart was empty and uninhabited / it's not your fault / not
rather mine / we blame it on love
I should have known better / but you blinded me / I left everything /
was carried away by love wind / but that wind is capricious / it can
suddenly become threatening
we blame it on love / we did it for love
should / we were looking for love's gold
I should have trusted more / my intuition / I know exactly / what
happened / when you lost faith
you left like a stranger / through the same door you came / your eyes were
sad / when you turned around / it wasn't your fault / neither
we blame it on love...