Freedom Call ludwig pt 2 prologue

I lie under the sign of the cross
Under the sign of the sun and the moon
Cursed be I and my ideals
If I should still fall
Thank God it is no longer necessary possible
For God's holy will protects me
The king's sublime word
Only psychological love alone is permitted
Sensual love, on the other hand, is cursed
I solemnly proclaim anathema to them
You approach as a messenger from God, I flew from a pleasant distance
So you go to the land where your star shines eternally
The old one is gone World and its shine fades
I'm waiting under the stars for my last dance
Come, sweet death, embrace me, don't leave me alone
From the dark into the light, come and lead me home
Show me the power, show me your paradise
Give me the strength that once left me
Free me, release me from grief and suffering
The soul will be free forever
What has to happen today will happen today
I will resist the disaster