Freezes Deyna breakpoint no fuck you

Don't you motherfuckin' talk to me, I'm in a mess
I'm in the mood for ripping your ribcage off your chest
I'm a fucking maniac, don't you forget
I cut your eyeballs out, stick ‘em down your throat and choke you to death
Motherfucker! Don't push me too far
I force you to drink a fucking bucket of tar
Whatcha say, bitch? Looking for a fight?
I shove a grenade up your ass n' blow up your guts from inside
And then I stroke a little rabbit
Then I discuss philosophy
Then I smell on an elder bush and invite some friends for tea
Then I give bread to the poor
And make up for my mistakes
Then I relax in a comfy chair
And give myself a break!
Fuck you and suck my dick, motherfucker
Fuck you and eat my shit, motherfucker
Fuck you, I am a sick motherfucker
I'm gonna strip you of your fucking skin, motherfucker
I take a chainsaw, yo, n' slice you like a log
Stick your head on a pale and feed your body to my dog
I chop your nose off and glue it to your anus
And then you'll fucking know what real pain is!
I'm gonna break your fuckin' neck!
You're at the end of the line, say goodbye to your spine
You're at the end of the line and you will suffer this time
I just cut my way through the day like a razor blade
I get a spiked mace and smash it-into your motherfuckin face
And I splash your sorry ass with kerosene
Slash you in half put some rosemary in between
Set you on fire with a hot wire to cause you throes
I'm fucking raging and make sure that everyone knows
Here comes the pain, bloody rain falling from the sky
I need a flood of blood just to be satisfied
Die! Die! Everybody die!
I've had a conscience once but I just shut it up