From The Dark last laugh pt 4

In my seat I will watch you,
make sure that it's reserved.
Have no traps in waiting
for me good messieurs.
Casting cannot be left to
the poor minding of fools.
Play will feature Christine,
be played by my rules.
Had you missed me dearest friends?
This compliance makes amends.
Why so silent do you hide?
The opera ghost will never die.
As long as there is shadow,
as long as there is night,
I am the angel of death
and the whispers in the night.
My mission
to conquer
this infection which haunts me still.
These letters
of vengeance
they detail my final will.
Acting just to defy me
they put Carlotta at lead.
Box five's not surrendered,
my plan will succeed.
Raoul has told her to bait me,
draw me out to be caught.
Twisted every way, this battle must be fought.
Had you missed me dearest friends?
This compliance makes amends.
Why so silent do you hide?
The opera ghost will never die.
As long as there is shadow,
as long as there is night,
I am the angel of death
and the whispers in the night.
My mission
to conquer
this infection which haunts me still.
These letters
of vengeance
they detail my final will.
In the circle
I hear them pledge their love.
All I ask of you
my worst fears have come true.
I gave you everything,
I wasn't full invested,
and now you've far betrayed me trust.
And he was bound to love you.
when he first heard you sing,
but I the phantom will have the last laugh!
*maniacal laughter*