Funeralium spit at my face i will pluck your tongue

A little phlegm goes a long way
says the worm to his putrid self
Shriveled, limp and limbless
On and on he drones,
so runs the phlegm, slowly
and it never dries up, mephitic
Nauseating, sickening, you strike from a distance
Filthy coward, gutless, stuck to the ground,
Skyless realm of mediocrity
Flat world of utter morass, laughably trapped
A little frustration goes a long way
says the beetle to his blackened self,
glutton for excrements
Fiend for filth and tar,
nourished by the waste of others
gutter-licker, sour and acrid
Nauseating, sickening, you strike from a distance
Filthy coward, gutless, stuck to the ground,
Skyless realm of mediocrity
Flat world of utter morass, laughably trapped
And yet you dare blabber, spit at my face
Relentlessly, always hiding behind my back
Out of reach, down below so below
I feel a sting but I can't see you, vermin
Such a ridiculous sting, strengthless,
alone it bothers me not, I hardly notice it
but the accumulation triggers the pain
Enough is enough, I shan't tolerate this anymore
I've been through too much, endured for too long
the countless army of vermin, anonymous and secure
One minuscule spurt after the other,
forming an ocean of unbearable foulness
A microbe's bite, impossible to feel on its own
Repeated a million times, turning into an atrocious Leviathan of spite and envy
A megalopolis of cowardice, towering high in the crimson sky of my harassed soul
Now rise, on your feet, face me, brace yourself
The time has come, your day of Reckoning
Review your choices, smell your own trail of filth
I am the Judge, the Jury and the Executioner
And I'm so eager to pronounce and enforce the sentence
I hereby declare thee guilty of gutlessness
Exposed, revealed, naked and frail
I am seizing you, garroting your throat,
mouth agape, your eyes staring in terror
Wet, crimson and bulging, veins-riddled
The time has come and you know it
Yeah your time has come and you know it!
Lo and behold, it is swelling: your tongue!
It is mine, oh yes, it is thoroughly mine
I plunge my claw in your gaping mouth
and I pluck your tongue out, your blood gushing forth
transparent, lukewarm and fluid
Then I vomit back your bile in your mouth
Finally I clamp it shut for good