Gate inga litimor

Inga Litimor at the handmill in the royal garden mole and quaffed them
som visions of light and life and sun
-never anyone could quack like her Litimor the young
and the venerable
Then it happened ordered that Inga should not step before the king's chair and
queda everything that glows with life and light and sun.
She got to the king's hall in shoes made of fin netting with a heartbeat
and brought what she carried to the king .
Freely name and tell you what the king will give you;
well, Inga, you can sing it as best as you can.
Thank you, great is the king's ra, sang the bird on the branch;
but it's better to love, the child of man knows.
So here's one word, my last: I offer you a bride.
It's the young king who himself must be yours.
But the king must know that he need not be ashamed;
for I am a king's daughter, and he sits in my inheritance.
And there was a wedding ceremony, and the song increased,
and hev'kke nyst they stopped, s how long does it last