GEMELLI DIVERSI whisky margarita

Whisky & Margarita
Album: Fuego (2002)
SHOULD: Hey barman give me the strongest thing to drink and then calmly come
next here sit down because I really need some listening, come on
you've known me for a long time I've hit rock bottom now
THEMA: I feel like you're off, you know??
SCREAM: remember I was talking to you about that woman I loved who changed me
she for whom I was good she for whom I breathed pour it quick friend
today she left me.
THEMA: and that's why you're put in this been a man I know and
I'm honest this time you're pissed off it's happened a thousand times and it's
when she comes back to you she'll already be at home waiting for you worried about you.
I SCREAM: you don't understand she wants someone else and my girlfriend told me
she was lying from the day we met I really believed it what an idiot
let's drink to a man who has to start from scratch again...
THEMA: you can't throw yourself down like that but trust those who have seen
sad moments and crises.
SCREAM: yes yes! what are you talking about friend? you don't understand I'm telling you I'm really finished.... pour another one because I lost my job too extroverted and unreliable according to all of them and plus you see the car in front I don't go to the bar, explain to me who will pay.
THEMA: hey shut up for a moment you look like a child crying complaints about a cruel
world I've heard many and I was the first to say them maybe you don't
I you know you're not the first person to find themselves in trouble.
SCREAM: he speaks.
THEMA: because I was like you, you believe me, you find yourself alone and you tremble, the world falls under your feet you show how much you are worth, look at those glasses
do you understand that it's half full that you drink?
SCREAM: and to say that when I was a child I dreamed of becoming president
instead now I see myself as an eternal loser broke, you do it, I would like
to fall asleep so as not to wake up again!!
THEMA: are you stupid?? Say it one more time and I really don't care about you. I knew and believed you were a real man. That woman cheated and dirtied you and now you're crying because it's a wrong angel if there is any. left? You know, no one gives you anything, you knew this, it's you who
has to fight for what you believe in, hey, try to look up and
exploit everything you know and you'll see a man with no more problems.