Geoff Berner mayn rue platz my resting place

Don’t look for me where leaves are springing,
You will not find me there, mayn shatz.
At the machines, where lives are withered,
Dortn is mayn rue platz.
Don’t look for me where birds are singing,
You will not find me there, mayn shatz.
I am a slave, where chains are ringing,
Dortn is mayn rue platz.
(Mandarin verse, by Yen-Liang Tung & Lan Tung)
The spring is here.
Flowers are blooming, birds are singing,
and grass is greening.
You have gone away. Where can I find you?
Tears have dried and the youthful days are gone.
At the dark corner, the resting place.
So if indeed you love me truly,
Come to me, mayn liebe shatz.
Lift my heavy heart from sorrow,
Make it sweet, mayn rue platz.