George Brassens les croque morts amliors

The mourning garment until now
Was worn assiduously
Only among funeral staff
The former undertakers ordinary
Since the fashion has gone to black
In the streets of Saint-Germain-des-Prés
There are amateur undertakers ©liorés
It doesn't matter to me at all
Whether my funeral is conducted
With ordinary undertakers
Or their new leave ©nères
But word has it that plasterers
Are scared to death of being buried
By the croqu'- improved dead
And that's why I made this song
Which will allow good people
To distinguish funerals
The old ordinary undertakers
Slightly playful scoundrels
Who go into mourning on purpose
Improved undertakers s
If the undertaker goes away whistling
The joyful couplets for twenty francs
He's an honest civil servant
He's an undertaker ordinary
But if he listens as an idol
The broken bebop records
He's a loving undertaker lioré