Gessle Per fiskarnas tecken

Gessle Per
Per Gessle
Fiskarnas Signen
(English: The Fishes' Sign)
Words and Music by Per Gessle
Published by Music For Money/Inhouse Music
Born with the moon / in the sign of Pisces / Something tells me / I should give up
from here / And you, you have your books / maybe you know what I
think / but you look at me so / that I don't know what to believe /
Why do you take me to unknown waters / that I have never sailed before? /
Talk, talk about! / Who are you?
Are you going to gamble on those pictures and houses / you know I own / Those
stars and planets / that stand in my position? / But you, take it
carefully / because I'm not ready / to leave here / without a
future worth believing in / You take me out on unknown waters / where I
never sailed before / Talk, talk about! / Who are you?