Get Married grenadine

Oh my blue eyed angel
let me see that winning smile
what can I say to make
my effort worth your while
you're sweet like coca cola
and if I don't come to my senses
I don't think I'll ever show you
it's worth it to take a chance on me
You're sweet like grenadine
The Grace Kelly of my dreams
and I know I'm no good for you
but I swear I'll try to be
so if you like MGM classics
and if you've got some evenings free
Why don't you come over
and watch High Society with me?
Oh no it happened again
Been all twitter-pated ever since the night we met
Oh no what am I gonna do?
But keep losing my mind over angels like you
So have a Shirley Temple
I'll spin an Ella LP
Maybe some Cole Porter song
Will make you fall in love with me
Oh no it happened again
Oh no what am I gonna do?
But fall to pieces over angels like you