Gianna Nannini gelosia

If I look at you inside your dreams
while you're sleeping what is it?
it's not jealousy
and you get out of the shower and then I smell you while you drink your coffee
it's not the jealousy?
tell me who you are ah ah ah ah
give me your eyes
If I come to pick you up in the evening
when you never wait for me
it's not jealousy ?
If I always look for an extra word in transparent sentences
Isn't it jealousy?
Tell me why
Do you like it, maybe it's what you want
Jealousy that it takes you away
jealousy doesn't make you sleep
Jealousy that is my life
and that time it was a lie
if it's not jealousy,
what kind of fire in the night it lights up your imagination
But if I then realize that you are listening to me on the phone who is there
isn't it jealousy?
and if when I slip into the dream from the mirror I see you
isn't it jealousy?
tell me you know it ah ah ah ah
but don't ever say it
Jealousy that takes you away
jealousy doesn't make you sleep
Jealousy that is my life
and that time it was madness
if it isn't jealousy,
what fire lights up your imagination in the night