Gilberto Santa Rosa el ltimo bolro

Walk very slowly towards my body
brush my lips with your skin
drop that dress on the floor
forget the rush and get rid of fears
Before you leave forever I want us to dance again
you will not be able to deny me what you feel, you will be mine until dawn
Dance heart, do not look at the hours on the clock
because time passes and everything passes and the night will end without doubt
Dance heart, tell her that I am dying without her love
tell her that without her I am nothing
let her stay here in my soul please
because tonight we will dance perhaps the last Bolero her and I s far away
And before you leave forever, dance this bolero one more time
you won't be able to deny me what you feel, you won't want it to come to an end
Dance, heart, don't look at the hours of the clock
because time passes and everything passes and the night will end without a doubt
Dance my heart, tell her that I am dying without her love
tell her that without her I am nothing
that please stay here in my soul
because tonight we will dance perhaps the last bolero she and I
And dance well just in case this pain that you contain no longer lets you dance with me danceaaaaa
Dance Heart, tell her that I am dying without her love
tell her that without her I am nothing
let her stay here in my soul pleaseooooooor
because tonight we will dance perhaps the last bolero she and I
because tonight we will dance perhaps the last bolero she and I