Gloc-9 1 day

Friday morning
When I wake up to go to school
Confused, there's an exam today
I'm confused, I don't know where to turn
To get an answer
When I fall, I'll be angry
Kay ermat, erpat, kick, tayak
Put out the code, it might get through
My teacher has four eyes
Glasses as thick as boards
Walking around, wide wide
It's good that I passed
If I wasn't forced to repeat all the events
Just like I once went on a trip
And met this cruel woman
Whose name is Debbie
She was waiting for a taxi
I looked her in the eye
I said you look lonely
Do you wanna go somewhere, plak!
My eyes were full of stars
His hand extended to his face
After slapping me
But he smiled
He took something from the bag and said, can I call him
So he gave me his calling card
As if he was kissing the air
Just in case, I mistook his calling card for bus ticket
I threw it with a glass of juice
I tried to find it at the station. cruz
And maybe our paths will cross
So I entered an alley
And asked the first one I saw
Because maybe he might recognize
The girl in my heart is a fairy
Man, do you still recognize who she is
What is her name, wait, is she a girlie
Yes, I have been waiting for a while to you there
Come closer, he's sitting by the well
Is he here, why doesn't he seem like this
He's beautiful so go ahead, I'm sad
Wait, wait, I'm confused
It's only happening in my imagination
It's like driving a brand new car
I have a lot of money, I even won the lottery
No one is fighting and everyone is speeding
Not waiting, not impatient
Just wait, let's get back to my other story
While walking I met hip hop metal
Punkist dumb, I tripped shot in the canal
I helped, poor thing
He couldn't find five pesos to buy
Vinegar that his mother would use
So that his poor father would have something to dip
br/>Thank you, you're so smart
'when it came to them
I was the only one who was not introduced to his sister girlie
And to his cousin debbie
It was a mess and I'm restless
It's as if all eyes are looking at me
And I don't know what to do
Is it because it seems like nothing vague happened
In these winning women in front of me