Good Luck significant day

Every shortcut will decay.
Me, I'm a firm believer in taking the long way.
We've wrestled with fate's motley orders but throw on your shoes it's a significant day.
I've been twisted, coiled and ready to spring like a demon.
Unending thundering.
A way to tell if you have been keenly unwell is to list what you want in a sentence or two and if you've already got it, well, there's a clue.
I've been twisted, coiled and ready to spring like a demon.
Damn the thunder above!
Suppose that what we need isn't an answer key or somebody to project everything that we hope to see.
Do you want a prize now that I'm humble?
Is there still dignity in change?
Please say there is.
If not for second chances we'd all be alone.
Tell me how could I have known?
I've been twisted, coiled and ready to spring like a demon.
Unending thundering.
Every shortcut will eventually be blocked, so throw on those shoes and just start to walk.
Suppose that what we need isn't an answer key or somebody to project everything that we hope to see.
When hesitation's overcome, so will each breath be a precious one.