Gris dil

What are you waiting for, my brother, flowery with old age,
All weighed down by the chimeras of the world?
Your laughter is exhausted, and your smiles,
Have a decisive tinge of drowning.
What are you waiting for, in the fall of hopes?
You who of the suns wanted to know the burns,
Angels to weigh the burden ,
Tears to hear the slightest crash.
You who believed you could extract from the earth
The veins of gold which streak the robes of the sky.
You who believed that your heart, through shipwrecks,
Could throw itself from the top of the moons
Right into the growing dawns,
escaping all the dizziness.
Wait for it- you... Time to stop believing in it?
So, fall, your love is endless,
Toward the stars that seem most beautiful to you.
You, who were born no longer afraid of the void, now,
Who has embraced the pains and the floods,
You know that there will never be enough shadows
Even in the reservoirs of abyss.
You, who watch your soul ignite,
With the spark of infinite tenderness
Who connects each heartbeat
Like arcs of light,
Who, in words dotted with abandon, gives birth to immense universes... ¦
So fall, what are you waiting for?

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