Gruppo Sportivo happily unemployed

Smoked Salmon And Champagne
Know Nothing 'bout The Prices
I Don't Know What A Crisis
Bad Luck? A Stuffy Nose?
A Headache Or Stress?
Take Some Wip Express
I'm Happily Unemployed
Jobless But Paranoid
They Might Have Work For Me
The Doctor Says I'm Seeing Ghosts
Lots Of Leisure Time
Don't You Think It's Magic
Some People Find It Tragic
All Royal Families
They Must Feel Pretty Useless
65 And Toothless
Not Me I'm Busy Now
When I Don't Sleep I Fool Around
Only In The Congo Work Is, You Might Have Heard
A 1 2 3 Four Letter Word
The Problem Is The Congo Is Too Far Away
And Maybe I Won't Get My Sleep Out Every Day
Or Money For My Big Bouvier
My Chevrolet
I Better Stay
It Would Be Very Stupid If I Went Away
I'm Happily Unemployed
Jobless But Paranoid
They Might Have Work For Me
The Doctor Says I'm Seeing Ghosts
Well 2 Or 3, But I Don't Care
I'm A Flat Broke Millionaire
Thanks To Wellfare