Guardian promesa

I feel good
I feel bad
I know that everything is going to be good, good, good
And it's true
I'm not
But I try give the best that is in me
Let no one say
That I am no one
I have a promise
No one takes it away from me, I am
A new creation
You think that
It's not like that
And you value yourself on the surface
I know
Listen to what here
It is written for you
You were never made at random
Do not let yourself be confused
Let no one say
That you are no one
I have a promise
No one takes it away from you, you know
That you are a new creation?
I have a promise
Above all you are a...
A new creation
They say that what matters
It's your face and your body
Don't pay attention, what's important
It's what's internal, don't be ashamed anymore
Victims of fashions
They are all sheep< br/>They try to imitate them
And they value that
I have a promise
No one takes it away from you, do you know
that you are a new creation?
I have a promise
Above all you are a...
A new creation
A new creation