Hamerex descent of angels

From the Heavens they come.
Fire brought down, as they fall.
From upon high; Angels descending from sky.
Go forth and seek,
Evil at its core.
Hunt it down; And burn it down into the ground.
They honour not the lamb, but the lions call.
From the first, to the last, they stand tall.
Duty bound they are. To serve to the last.
Till all are cleansed, forever is there task.
We are his angels, destruction we bring.
Savours of mankind, our lot is grim.
We are his angels, our glory be sung.
As the lion roars, his will be done.
Traitors they stand,
Branded by our sons
Exiled from home, to the eye that beats like the sun
No-one will see.
The ending that they draw.
For our end. Strikes on down like the sword.
We are the angels, destruction we rain.
Destroyers of mankind, for they are all the same.
We are the angels, our life undone
Where heresy begins, our descent has begun
We are those angels, destruction we've rain.
Destroyers of mankind, for we are all the same.
We are those angels, our paths undone.
When heresy begins, the descent has begun.
The descent has begun