Hands of Despair shattered memories

They came as the sun was still sleeping
Their eyes were hollow, full of emptiness
They came here to end their sufferings
Death is what they wanted, nothing less
One by one, they burnt our shelters
Destroyed what took a thousand years to build
We fought back but soon we weltered
In an unknown place
Far from our dwelling
We ran for what seemed a century
Hoping that someday we would be free
But nothing was to be found
In this unknown place far from our mound
We tried to start over
But deep inside we knew it was all over
For months we just layed down on the snow
Trying to see the sun glow
But we couldn't even breath the air
And without knowing why, we just couldn't care
This place we were
Was the source of our despair
This place we were
Was not real
We were straight in the devil's lair
After an eternity he came to us
He spoke for hours and we listened
In the state we were, we couldn't regress
Soon his speech reached an end
Here the sun is dead
Our winters never end
Our hopes, our dreams
Frozen, shattered memories
He told us we were in the limbs
That these grounds were made of our graves
That we couldn't get out until we rebuilt
What took a thousand years to build
Slowly we tried to start over
But deep inside we knew it was all over
It was all over
Left alone
Eternally wandering
Searching for the white