Hans Teeuwen agressie

Hans Teeuwen
Look, you should never bottle things up.
That's the stupidest thing you can do.
Look, your feeling, your feeling needs space.
You have to express your feeling because if you don't express your feeling, it will stay here and on a bad day it will spill out and then the craziest things can happen.
So never do it, never bottle it up.
Aggression for example, NEVER BUT IT UP.
I have well, eh, quite a lot of ehh AGGRESSION myself.
And then always comes up to me when things irritate me.
And that can be anything, a sound, a color, old people, children.
And in the past boy, I just bottled it up .
I just bottled it all up and the man made me goddamn grumpy.
And then I thought Whoa!
It shouldn't be at my expense.
And then I learned to convert that aggression into ACTIONS.
Ooh, and I like that so much.
And I have to say, especially in the beginning, those around me reacted quite ehh, yes, panicky.
Yes, they were all like, you can't do that.
Look what you does.
But yes, that's fear, that's fear.
And you should never listen to that.
Fear is a bad advisor and I felt that they are afraid of me, but yes, I am relaxed.
And then I think, what is more important.
But because I have now lost that excess tension, I have also started to think much more clearly about many things.
And important things, essential, essential things.
That's it important.
Authority of the boss over the servant, of the man over the woman, but also authority relationships between the different races.
Look, for example, one race is very good at leadership, while the other race is much better with running and rhythms.
And if everyone just sticks to that, there is nothing to worry about.
That's nature and you are not stronger than nature.
And I say very honest, I stick to it, yes, I stick to it.
I will not clean toilets, that is not possible, that is not in my roots.
That is important, your roots.
Yes, yes, God, yes God no.
It is terribly important of course, your roots, yes, in Dutch we say your roots.
Your roots, terribly important, where you come from.
Where you feel safe, where you have the feeling, here are the people like me.
Your place for your people, where you have that wonderful safe, safe, warm feeling.
And if I am here Tonight, look around me like this.
Maybe a few exceptions.
But then I think people, we belong together, we are ONE GROUP.
That's our country, right, our country, yes .
And we are proud Batavians.
And it is our country, because a long time ago the Batavians came here and then they said:
Ehh, it is huh van us
So yes.
And we have to reclaim our country, because they are coming from all sides.
And what we have to do, we have to make ourselves strong as a group and then we have to take all those other groups, the enemy so to speak, we have to drive them together.
Men, women, children, together and then...., and then....
And then it becomes fun again.
And now it sounds like this is all going to take a long time and that this requires a lot of organization and takes a lot of time to cook, but that's not the case.
Not if we come together. Not if we join forces and dare to come clean.
And I know it is possible, because when I read the newspapers, I read about other countries where small groups fight against each other and destroy each other for their thing.
For their little, little, little, little thing and then people think: IF THAT IS POSSIBLE?