Harp & Lyre legacy

Questions rise... but I don't have all the answers.
I have only one.
Man is merely a reflection.
The day is short
Don't be tricked that you have all the time in the world
But it keeps moving on and on... it's unclear why
Some things we will never know
I've had dreams and visions but my voice is small
So, I'm given what I need to tell it right
And that's all
yeah that's all that can be done.
We're all trying to leave our footprint on this earth
But we're treading on a frequent path
we're searching to find relevance in every step
but we won't leave the mark
The day is short
Don't be tricked that you have all the time in the world
But it keeps moving on and on... it's unclear why
Some things we will never understand
Legacy, you're not mine to leave behind.
You're the script written by the Author of this age