Hartmut Engler fortunate guy

Whether my house is burning down I won't lose no ground If someone steals my brand new car It won't hit me hard I don't care if I'm losin´ Everything that I own If my baby is here I'm the happiest man ever known I'm a fortunate guy Ain't no reason to cry When the star of my life is by my side (Fortunate Guy) Nor a care in the world Bothers me and my girl When I'm sad I just know I need to be with her (Fortunate) My friends they envy me this joy But it's easy to join Just keep your mind on what you feel and not what you see I don't care if I'm losin´ Everything that I own If my baby is here I'm the happiest man ever known I'm a fortunate guy Ain't no reason to cry When the star of my life is by my side (Fortunate Guy) Nor a care in the world Bothers me and my girl When I'm sad I just know I need to be with her (Fortunate)