Hayagriva is it time for me to die

Am I going crazy?
Or is it time for me to die?
Is your news supposed to make me
happy or shall I break down and cry?
Put your head on my shoulder
listen to my heart beat
calling out to us who were once winners
but now we face defeat
If it is time for me to die
why my dear Lord please make me tougher
Rid my heart of evil disease
and show me the way in how to please
my dear Lord, Who created me
Who loved, guided and protected me
Who picked me up when I was to fall
Who cured me up when I was sick
Who heard me when my heart in sigh
Who listened and answered my every call
Who gave me wings so I could fly
swiftly above those clouds so high
Maybe it is time for me to die
Who listened and answered my every call
Who gave me wings so I could fly
swiftly above those clouds so high
Maybe it is time for me to die
To die
try to be good divineman
cross-legged in front of Him
ask for the cleanses from dirty hearts
and then cry for all sins
so please don't commit the crime
and then cry
instead don't lose
hope just try
and try
hope just try
and try