Hearts Alive versus vultures

You've put your mind into the box they sold to you
And lean on their rails for the support that you need
As their world push you down again and again and again
Oh, consumer!
Your power is but a figment of their imagination
You've put your mind into the box they sold to you
And lean on their rails for the support that you need
As their world push you down again and again and again
Lay your head to rest
On a pillow made of regret
Sleep soundly undisturbed
By the grinding of gears
And of vultures gnawing your bones bare
You have laid your head to rest
As your bones gleam in the sun
Vultures have gnawed them bare
Remember, you are not helpless
There is still time for you to wake up and see what I see
The truth must come to the fore
The lie must come to an end, blinding our eyes no more
There is still time left to course correct