Heather Alexander and Leslie Fish black water suicide

Black water be my lover, for lover I have none
Nor ever shall, and empty ache alone
Black water, be my lover, for all my dreams are done
And you are kinder than what life has shown.
Black water, final rescue; Black water, lasting peace
Black water, keeping secrets none may know
Black water, final rescue, bring silence and release
Black water, through the city swiftly flow.
Black water, hold my secret, my shame I beg you hide
I cannot bear to meet a friend or foe
Black water hold my secret and save my shattered pride
And let them never guess and never know.
Black water, final rescue; Black water, lasting peace
Black water, keeping secrets none may know
Black water, final rescue, bring silence and release
Black water, through the city swiftly flow.
Black water I am weary, the days are all the same
The years creep by with never hope to see
Black water, life is dreary. I'm tired of the game
I'd rather far your quiet company
Black water, final rescue; Black water, lasting peace
Black water, keeping secrets none may know
Black water, final rescue, bring silence and release
Black water, through the city swiftly flow.
Black water, be my refuge, I hear them at my back
My enemies pursue me to a man
Black water, me my refuge, they close upon my track
And better your embrace than what they plan
Black water, final rescue; Black water, lasting peace
Black water, keeping secrets none may know
Black water, final rescue, bring silence and release
Black water, through the city swiftly flow.
Black water, through the city swiftly flow.