Hefner christian girls b side

Now I believe an angel crossed my path and realized
That the hair on my head will be pass my chin
When I've earned this type of prize
The scent that she brings makes me feel alright
Like the pleasure of sleeping safe tonight
But I won't sleep tight 'til I know she's been cleaned
From her toes to the top of her head
Christian Girls should be kept pristine
And totally devoid of pain
I can't hold back the rain, the dirty, dirty rain
Gloria's freckles just titter and tease
But they're no bloody use to me
No bloody use to me
Too much telly and too many books
And so many films to keep me hooked
But the idea of sex seems so bleeding stale
When her heart is as big as a house
And the red, red lips just keep reminding me
Of Sarah Brown
And the cool, cool breeze makes me feel
Like settling down
Christian Girls should be kept pristine
And totally devoid of pain
I can't hold back the rain, the dirty, dirty rain
Gloria's freckles just titter and tease
But they're no bloody use to me
No bloody use to me
It's a shame that she feels this way
To my hearts dismay, I want to kiss all her fingers