Heimdall hero

[Book VIII – Aeneas at the Site of Rome and the Divine Gift]
Confusion reigned… Tiber, the river-god, after the prayers of Aeneas,
appeared to him in a dream, encouraging him and promising to assist
his ships upstream. Besides, he advised the Trojan hero to ally with
King Evander, son of Mercury and therefore kin. He was the leader of
Arcadians who lived in the place where foundations of Rome would
stand, Pallanteum on the Palantine Hill. So Aeneas encountered Evander
who assured his support. The king – simple and noble – told the Trojan
of his glorious and heroic past and the history of his land. While touring
the landmarks of the future Rome, he recalled the golden age, Hercules
victory over the half-man monster Cacus, the figure of Saturn that gave
local law and order and the name of Latium. They became friends, so
that the king turned his beloved son Pallas over to Aeneas to become a
warrior. Suggested by Evander and with the help of Pallas, Aeneas allied
with the Etruscan coalition that had risen up against Mezentius, the cruel
tyrant of Caere, now expelled, and ally of Turnus. In the meanwhile Venus
had appealed to her husband Vulcan to make a suit of armour for Aeneas.
So she gave her son the divine gift, a set of armour forged by Vulcan and
his Cyclops, the shield of which was decorated with scenes from future
Roman history and triumphs. She told him not to fear war… he would
become, of that age, the hero…
Yesterday the world only knew confusion and chaos
A new culture now is going to start
A new lord is sitting on the throne
The glory shining on
In your eyes – there is the light of a god and a warrior
Yesterday brothers killed each other moved by hate
Now the same will fight under one crown
So the way is drawn – the stars are clear and be like that
In your eyes – there is the light of a god and a warrior
In your eyes – there are the holy signs of the hero
Hear the roar of the streams
The storm of wind will sweep away everything
The masters watch over you
Blessing your soul by their shining eyes
In this silence, my hero
Your word will be the guide
Towards the glorious,
Awaited age of gold
In this darkness, my hero
Your eyes will show the way
Beyond the clouds and shadows
of this night