Henning Ohlenbusch nightly progression

This nightly progression is breaking my heart.
You end up so different than the way you start.
And all your laughing leaves me cold.
Because to me it's regression, it's the loss of a friend.
Our good conversation is now pointless.
And all your laughing leaves me cold.
And all we ever want is more.
And all we ever get is the same.
And all we ever want is a chance.
And all we ever get are chances.
And all we ever really do is stand and stare in the smoky air.
There's not a whole lot happening, but there's a whole lot of talking.
Do you know that you're becoming the same person you're mocking
It's gradual and then it's shocking and it leaves you old.
And all we ever want is more.
And all we ever get is the same.
And all we ever want is a chance.
And all we ever get are chances.
And all we ever really do is stand and stare in the smoky air.
And all we ever want is more.
And all we ever get is the same.
And all we ever want is a chance.
And all we ever get are chances.
And all we ever really do is stand and stare in the smoky air.

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