Heroes Del Silencio das de borrasca vspera de resplandores

The innocent is lynched
In the midst of slander
In the odyssey of resentment the great
And the sheltered man
The sheltered man
In the loyal , loyal shelter
From loneliness
The crown is lit
After the victory
That will not be the story of my
Generation ³n
Pleasure is an abyss, the
Orgasm is a relief
Against the farces, farces of
Control of older people
As if this moment
Out to be the first
Of the rest of their lives
Days of storm
Eve of brilliance
When the future is improbable
When thinking is not enough
And when what in theory
Cannot have happened
As if that moment
Was going to be the first
Of the rest of their lives
Days of storm
Eve of brilliance
As if that moment
Was going to be the first
Of the rest of their lives
Days of storm
Eve of radiance
As if that moment
Would be the first
Of the rest of their lives
Days of storm
Eve of radiance