Herrschaft allmighty

I am almighty I am high above
Taking everything at once even wanting more
There is no sweeter madness to feel in control
Of this tenuous balance life is sourcing from
Unstoppable and out of control
Morale dethroned, pride trodden and truth swallowed
The magma melting - A pack of needles itching
In my insides, but I'm Strong enough to control it
Forgive me,
You only saw the facet I showed you
While I'm so many pieces of a broken mirror
Reflecting in every direction
Bright and broken
And showing me all
I see my infinity of lies
I'll ride thru them one and all
I am almighty I am high above
Running to the end down the horizon
I want to keep warming, I want to keep strong
No turning back, staring at the damage done
One little lie added to another
But this whisper in me urging to go further
Willing to take no choice that could slow me down
For all answer I choose life, I follow the voices
Everything is ruined and frozen
And at the ending of all the paths I've travelled
I know now I got myself lost
Feeling the rain
Deep in my bones dripping in my brain
Crystallizing my heart cold
With my lies, leaving me alone