Håkan Hellström shelley

Throw down the key my love
And get me off this damn street
Been standing in the rain so long I'm starting to shrink
To drowning isn't so bad
If it makes you dream and hope
That a sailing boat will come
And we go out and burn up in the night
And blame everything on our drunken hoods
Escapes and self-blame
I see judgment in your eyes
I see judgment in your eyes< br/>Maybe you'll understand
Seeing the whole town sink
Like titanic with all the lights on
Ah, a night like that when we need something
To help one over black waters
åååh, and we go out and burn into the night
And blame everything on our drunken hood
Escapes and self-blame
I see the judgment in your eyes
I see the judgment in your eyes
åå åh
And we go out and burn into the night
And blame everything on our drunken hoods
Escapes and sea lvanklagan
I see judgment in your eyes
I see judgment in your eyes